Through the summer significant work will be happening on the school network and our online services.  This site will be used to keep an overview on what is happening. 

If you have any questions please email:

Week Beginning 23rd August (and weekend of 21st\22nd August)

We are now moving forward with the migration of network storage to Sharepoint and also with the migration of other services, including Sims, online.  Citrix will still be available to access Sims but no changes made on Sims during the course of next week will be saved. 

Over the weekend we are hoping to remove the local shared drives in school (the General Share (G), the T: Drive (where departments have their content), the W: Drive (where we have content accessible to students)… and to shift these progressively onto Sharepoint.

When this migration has happened you will not be able to access those files through Citrix (or in school).  You will have to login through OneDrive.  This video shows you how to set up your OneDrive account at home (your username will be your regular and your regular password) but you also need to have made sure you have linked the network shares to your One Drive.  Instructions for that are here:   You can also access the files at  

Week Beginning 16th August (and weekend of 14th\15th) We have an issue with Citrix and are currently working on a resolution. You will not be able to access the system until this has been resolved. If you need core contact details these are available from your epraise

From Monday I will be uploading videos and helpsheets for how you can work effectively from home using Sharepoint from your machine. We currently have the General Shared Area on Sharepoint and will shortly be migrating the W: area (which is where students are able to access files).  The T: drive will be migrated at the end of the week.  We will continue to use Sims in school - and thus through Citrix - until the very last week of the holidays. (We have now completed the preliminary work needed to do this but it is a fairly major operation to shift the thing online).

Please email me if you need anything urgently (with the CItrix issue being a problem!).  We do hope from Monday 16th that we will be able to continue normal working so you can access what you need through Citrix.  More information to follow

Week Beginning 2nd August: We are beginning to structure the W: drive, work on the permissions grid and also prepare for service migration.  We do not anticipate any downtime on any areas except the W: and T: drive which we will be taking off line during the course of the week.    We are currently doing a fair amount of work on permissions and structures to allow for the move to Sharepoint. We anticipate this taking most of the week. The week beginning 9th August will be focused on exam results, with the proper migration process happening the week after. We will be putting some help\walk-through videos on line during the coming week to show how to set up One Drive and Sharepoint drives on your home machine and also Citrix. Please do NOT try and access Sharepoint from 9pm on Saturday 7th August until Sunday morning on 8th August as we need to complete critical reconfiguration work.

Week Beginning 26th July: No changes planned   There was interruption to services on Friday 30th July - this was not related to any work planned for the summer (though connects to the need to update our systems).


 Email if you require any particular files or folders.


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